A reference for markdown language.
title #
second level title ##
- a ‘-’ followed by a space
- a ‘-’ another one
numbered list
actual number doesn’t matter, just a number
properly indented paragraph, with blank line and space.
- another sublist
- here
- * works for unordered lists
- + works the same
- - as well
checked box
- unchecked
- checked
- emphasis: _emphasis_ or *emphasis*
- strong emphasis: __strong emphasis__ or **strong emphasis**
- combined emphasis: **combined _emphasis_**
strike through: ~~strike through~~- a new line in editor will result in no line break in the markdown display.
- insert an empty to get a new paragraph
- add <br/> to the end of the line to get a new line. a single back slash \ works for markdown but not generated website and double backslashes \\ works for a website but not markdown. Double space works for both but is not recommanded as editors sometimes delete them while saving.
`inline code`
inline code
code block
1 2 3 4
square = [x*2 for x in range(10)] square = [] for x in range(10): square.append(x**2) // indent requires four spaces.
Google: [Google](https://www.google.com)
Google: [Google](https://www.google.com "Google Homepage")
reference style: [reference style][reference]
URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links. http://www.example.com or http://www.example.com and sometimes example.com (but not on Github, for example).
[reference]: https://www.reddit.com
Github images
The format is ! [Alt Text] (link to image)
![Single_Tracking]({{ site.url }}/assets/images/single_object_tracking_1.png) img[alt=Single_Tracking] { width: 20px; }
If you want to change the size, use html
Block Quate
block quate continue
Quote break
anther quaote that is very long long long long long long long long long long long long long long.
Adapted from Markdown Cheatsheet by adam-p
Licence: CC-BY